
Asthma Facts & Statistics

Get The Facts About Asthma

Adult and Child Asthma Statistics in New York

Chief pulmonologist Dr. Mayank Shukla has successfully treated over 5,000 asthma suffers at his New York asthma centers. Knowing the facts about asthma can save your or your child’s life.  Don’t let asthma keep you or your child from life. Read the adult and child asthma statistics in New York to better understand the condition.

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Asthma Facts New York

  • In New York City, 10% of all children have a current diagnosis of asthma (National Asthma Survey, NYS DOH, 2009).
  • In Brooklyn, NY, asthma accounts for 13,000 emergency room visits in children 0-17, and 2,500 hospitalizations (NYS DOH, 2012).
  • Asthma incidence in Central Brooklyn is among the highest in New York State, affecting one in six children (NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2003)
  • Asthma is the leading cause of hospitalization for children in NYC (NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2003)
  • The NYC pediatric hospitalization rate for asthma is twice the United States average and 3.4 times the rate in the rest of New York State (NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2003)
  • The disease burden of asthma costs the New York State healthcare system $1.8 billion annually, the second-highest state in the nation (AHRQ, 2003).
  • Twenty-eight percent of children with asthma did not have a routine asthma checkup in the past year (NYS DOH, 2009).
  • The most effective, life-saving intervention for management of persistent asthma is daily inhaled corticosteroids (NHLBI Guidelines, 2007).
  • Only 35% of children in the U.S. with persistent asthma are prescribed daily inhaled corticosteroids (Kit, Simon, Ogden & Akinbami, 2008).

Facts about the Morbidity Directed Asthma Program

  • Most protocols for treatment of asthma focus only on the patient’s history in the past 4 weeks – how often were they coughing, wheezing, having difficulty breathing or waking up at night within the past month.
  • The Morbidity Directed Asthma Program recognizes that asthma is a chronic condition that waxes and wanes – sometimes the symptoms appear but the patient can be completely well in between.
  • Evaluating and treating asthma only on the basis of the past 4 weeks can seriously underestimate the severity of asthma and leave the patient poorly protected against future exacerbations.
  • The Morbidity Directed Asthma Treatment program uses a unique treatment protocol to begin treatment for asthma based on the patient’s history of emergency room visits, hospitalizations and missed school days in the past year.
Image of female model beautiful smile
Image of female patient taking inhaler

Get a Doctor That Knows the Facts About Asthma

  • Dr. Mayank Shukla of the Center for Asthma and Allergy runs one of the largest pediatric asthma programs in New York City, treating 5,000 children per year.
  • We have PROVEN results in reducing emergency room visits, hospitalizations and missed school days.
  • The Morbidity Directed Asthma Treatment program saves the healthcare system millions of dollars a year in costs for emergency room visits and hospitalizations.
  • Our experts provide high-quality, patient-focused education to ensure that patients have a good understanding of their condition and treatment.
  • The team provides close monitoring and follow-up to minimize complications and exacerbations.
  • We diagnose and treat co-morbid conditions known to exacerbate asthma, such as allergic rhinitis and environmental allergies.

Now that you know the facts about asthma…

Don’t put yourself or your child at risk for the dangers of untreated asthma. Get the best treatment and breathe easy with asthma doctor Mayank Shukla. Contact his New York asthma centers in ManhattanBrooklynQueens, and Staten Island for an appointment today.

Awards and Recognition

Dr. Mayank Shukla Top-Rated Pulmonologist 2018 - 2024

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