
Child Sleep Disorders – What Parents Need to Know

Bedtime is one of the most important times of the day for a child. Not only does sleep give children a chance to rest after the day’s many activities, but it also allows time for their brain to rest and absorb the material learned throughout the day. So, it comes as no surprise that child sleep disorders can be one of the most stressful issues for parents to deal with.

Because sleep disorders could be a sign of a behavioral issue, anxiety, or other physiological issues, identifying signs early on is important. Here are some common symptoms to look for:

Knowing the Signs and Symptoms

Your Child’s Sleep is Affected

Look for obvious signs that your child isn’t sleeping enough. The symptoms include excessive yawning, drooping eyelids, fatigue, and attention deficit. These signs all indicate that your child is not sleeping well due to either physiological or anxiety problems.

Know What Silent Symptoms to Look For

Be watchful for the silent symptoms of child sleep disorders. Problems such as excessive bedwetting, sleepwalking, grinding of the teeth, impaired growth, or recurrent infections or sickness. These signs could also point to problems with sleeping.

There Are Various Types of Sleep Disorders

And knowing the differences between the various child sleep disorders will guide you in seeking treatment.

Some of the common child sleep disorders include:

  • Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. This occurs when the child’s throat relaxes to the point of closing, causing them to stop breathing for a period of a few seconds. Snoring is a common problem associated with this condition.
  • Insomnia. Children can have sleep-onset association type childhood insomnia, in which the child awakens frequently and for long periods during the night.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a twitching or tingling in the leg muscles while lying down. A child may move excessively at night to lessen the annoyance because movement is often the only way to relieve the unpleasant sensation.

Treating Your Child’s Sleep Disorder

If your child has a sleep disorder, it can be a trying time for parents and children. Parents should know that most child sleep disorders are easily treated. Finding an experienced doctor is the first step for treatment. The doctor can help pinpoint the exact sleep problem and help to determine and treat the underlying cause. Parents can help a child sleep better by making sure they have a healthy diet, proper exercise, and a calm,peaceful environment to sleep in.

Dr. Mayank. Shukla has helped successfully treat several children with sleep disorders and continues to produce favorable results. For more tips on spotting the associated symptoms or for sleep disorder treatment for your child, contact us.

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