
Allergy Proofing Your Bedroom

If you, or someone you love, suffer from allergies, then you are familiar with the havoc it can cause. Difficulty breathing, itchy eyes, runny nose, stomach cramps, excessive sneezing, vomiting, rashes, and hives are just a few of the allergy symptoms that can hinder your quality of sleep. That is why allergy proofing your bedroom is of the utmost importance for allergy relief. After all, proper sleep is key to your mood, productivity, and overall health. For more information on allergy treatment in New York, contact Dr. Shukla’s office today.

Create a Separate Space for Your Pets

Furry friends can be your best companion, but they can also be the source of your allergies. According to the experts at the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 3 in every 10 people have allergic reactions to cats or dogs. Therefore, one important part of allergy proofing your bedroom is to create a separate area for your pets. Since pet allergens can collect on furniture and other surfaces, it is important that you avoid that space being your bed and the furniture around it. Instead, avoid having them sleep in your bed with you. If you cannot sleep without your pet, then consider taking extra measures to decrease the number of allergens in your space. For example, have your animal groomed regularly and make sure to clean your space constantly.

Keep your Windows Closed

When the weather is cool or your room feels stuffy, it can be tempting to crack open your window. Although, opening your window can allow pollen and other outdoor debris to drift inside your bedroom and trigger your allergies. Instead of opening the window, opt for a small fan or the air conditioner for allergy relief. However, it is important to make sure that both the fan and air filters are cleared of dust regularly. If they aren’t clear of dust and cleaned regularly, then they will be just a potentially harmful as the allergen triggers from outside. To help combat that, dust your room weekly and change out your air filter once a quarter.

Protect Your Bedding

It is unrealistic to clean your bed from top to bottom each night before bed. Fortunately, there are many more manageable steps you can take to keep your bed free of allergens. First, opt for zippered, hypoallergenic, microfiber castings for your mattress and pillows. These bedding options are designed to help people who suffer from allergies specifically. Also, wash and dry your bedding in hot water at least once a week for allergy relief. This will avoid allergen triggers like dust mites and mold from growing. It will also kill anything that has sunken into your bedding from the last wash.

Shower Before Bed

One of the important things you need to allergy-proof before bed is you! As you go about your day, you are exposed to allergens walking around outside, at work, at the gym, etc. Before getting into bed, take some time to allergy-proof yourself before going to sleep. You can start by showering, putting on a fresh pair of pajamas, and having a fresh pair of sheets on your bed. Each of these steps will ensure that you have the best sleep possible, completely free of allergy interruptions.

When you suffer from allergies, avoiding allergy attacks and other allergy symptoms is of the utmost importance. Creating a space for you in your bedroom that is as free from allergens as possible will be crucial to getting a good night’s sleep. For more information on allergy symptoms, allergy tests, and allergy relief, contact the experts at Dr. Shukla’s office today.

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