
Asthma in Children Under 5 Years Old

Small but conscious how to treat asthma

Asthma is chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs which makes the airways prone to episodes of difficult breathing, known as Asthma Attacks. Common triggers include allergies, colds, and exercise. Asthma is controlled by avoiding these triggers when possible and by using medication therapy. The primary symptoms of asthma are wheezing and coughing, and …

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The Importance of Seeking Allergy Treatment for Your Child

Seasonal allergy. Little girl with tissue outdoor

Spring has almost sprung, meaning that allergy season is just around the corner. During this time of year, children can be prone to allergy symptoms and illnesses that are anything but convenient. Getting a cold is never fun and having to deal with scratchy noses and feverish faces is not the best way to spend …

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