
8 Signs Your Severe Asthma is Worsening

Asthma, although often diagnosed in childhood, can manifest symptoms at any stage of life. Managing asthma involves significant lifestyle adjustments, including taking regular medication and carrying an inhaler for emergencies. And while it’s a common enough condition, recognizing the signs of worsening asthma is crucial. Below we cover 8 signs your severe asthma is worsening.

8 Signs Your Severe Asthma is Worsening

Everyone experiences asthma differently so it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly how your condition is getting worse. Today, Dr. Shukla will highlight the top 8 signs your severe asthma is worsening so you aren’t caught by surprise. We offer a number of highly personalized treatments for severe asthma and biologics for children dealing with extreme breathing issues.

Your Symptoms are Getting Worse as You Age

Asthma usually presents symptoms early in life, but adult-onset asthma can develop later on. This gives much more serious repercussions for those who don’t know that they should be looking out for this condition. In fact, some individuals may not experience symptoms until their twenties or beyond, potentially leading them to attribute breathing difficulties to other causes. It’s essential to seek medical evaluation if you suspect asthma.

You’re Sensitive to the Changing Seasons

Environmental factors, such as changing weather and dwindling sunlight hours, can significantly impact one’s respiratory health. Some of the most common asthma triggers include seasonal changes such as rapid weather shifts, humidity fluctuations, and the release of allergens during spring. All of these quick seasons can exacerbate the symptoms of asthma, making it difficult to stay on top of your respiratory health as the triggers continue to pile on.

You have Chlorine Irritation

Chlorine, commonly used in swimming pools to maintain water hygiene, can irritate the lungs and airways when inhaled. This seems to be worse for people dealing with upper respiratory issues. Though it is not a direct asthma trigger, some scientists have found that certain chemicals in chlorine are linked to exacerbated asthma triggers. If you swim in chlorinated pools, take precautions and ensure you breathe fresh air regularly before dipping back into the water.

You’re Always Prepared for the Worst

In severe cases, asthma flare-ups can escalate rapidly. Monitor breathing patterns and asthma symptoms closely, keeping emergency medications readily available. Having your doctor’s contact information on hand is essential. Knowing exactly how, when, and where to contact Dr. Shukla can be a life-saving thing.

You Take Lots of Dietary Considerations

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen can reduce the risk of asthma attacks by lowering your overall sensitivity to certain kinds of triggers. Evidence suggests that weight may influence the frequency of asthma problems, and that can easily be managed by watching what you eat. Some foods, like dairy, fish, or eggs, can trigger severe asthma symptoms in susceptible individuals.

Alcohol Causes You Pain

Excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect respiratory health, making regular breathing more challenging on a daily basis. If you have asthma and you are a daily drinker, you are very likely to have a higher risk of asthma attacks because of your inhibited immune system. Reducing alcohol intake can contribute to better respiratory health while saving the rest of your bodily integrity as well.

Your Asthma Symptoms are Persistent

While asthma symptoms can come and go, constant breathing difficulties warrant attention. Look out for signs such as:

  • Wheezing and coughing, even without illness
  • Audible wheezing during exhalation
  • Chest tightness and discomfort
  • Continuous breathing problems
  • Sudden coughing fits
  • Sensitivity to dust

Taking extra precautions to reduce dust buildup in your living environment, such as using dust mite covers on pillows and mattresses and regularly washing bedding and plush items in hot water, can help mitigate triggers.

You Can’t Stand Candles!

Many fragrances contain chemicals that can irritate sensitive respiratory systems, leading to airway constriction and increased difficulty breathing. Before using air fresheners or scented products, carefully inspect their ingredients to ensure they won’t exacerbate asthma symptoms. It may get to the point where your candles, incense, and other fragrances are making it too hard for you to breathe.

Take Control of Your Asthma Symptoms Today

Asthma triggers can emerge from various sources, making preparedness essential. Learning to identify asthma triggers and effectively managing the condition is key to having an easygoing life. You cannot wait for an asthma flare-up to die down, as holding off treatment will only make things worse. Consult with Dr. Mayank Shukla, a top-rated specialist in pediatric pulmonology in New York, to explore optimal asthma treatments for young children and ensure your home remains a safe haven for the whole family.

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