
The Best Ages for Allergy Testing for Children

concept of best ages for allergy testing for children

Dr. Mayank Shukla, a certified asthma and allergy doctor in New York City, believes that allergy testing can begin at a young age to protect your child’s health as they grow. Whether or not your loved ones are starting to show common symptoms of allergies, it is a good idea to identify allergic reaction triggers …

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Why Aren’t My Allergies Improving?

concept of why aren't allergies improving

Allergies are very common as more than 50 million people in the United States deal with them. Allergies are also the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. Dealing with the unwanted symptoms associated with allergies can be daunting. In fact, you may wonder, why aren’t my allergies improving? Why Aren’t My …

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Most Common Allergies in Kids

concept of common allergies in kids sneezing in a field

According to Dr. Shukla, your trusted and experienced asthma doctor in New York, asthma and seasonal allergies are two of the most common allergies in kids. Understanding the initial warning signs of allergies can help you and your child get the best of care before any symptoms get worse. If you are looking for top-notch …

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Can You Outgrow Allergies?

concept of woman wondering can you outgrow allergies

Allergies are common among both children and adults. Whether it’s food, medicine, or even pollution, allergic reactions can come with a number of unwanted symptoms. Hives, swelling, rashes, respiratory difficulties, digestive problems, and cold-like symptoms can impact you when you have an allergic reaction. Due to the unwanted symptoms that come with the issue, you …

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Why Do Kids Develop Allergies?

Concept image of kids who develop allergies

Millions of children are impacted by allergies each year. In fact, research has shown that 5.2 million children have some form of an allergy. There are a number of different types of allergies, including airborne, food, insect, chemical, and medicinal allergies. As a parent you may wonder, why do kids develop allergies? Below you will …

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How to Manage Allergies in Summer

concept image of man trying to manage allergies in summer

While the summer is a highly anticipated and welcomed season for many, it can also be a difficult time for those dealing with seasonal allergies. Certain particles and pollens are floating around while humid winds only contribute to the dwindling air quality outside. According to your local asthma doctor in New York City, it’s important …

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Preparing Your Kid for Allergy Testing

Concept image of kid having allergy testing

Allergies impact millions of Americans and can have a serious impact on one’s daily life. Among those with allergies, roughly one-third of children have an allergy. There are various types of allergies, including drug, food, pollen, insect, or mold allergies, to name just a few. Getting treatment early on can help your child’s health outcomes …

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When Does Allergy Season Start?

Woman sneezing when allergy season starts

People start to sniffle and sneeze at all different types of the year, so you probably hear about “allergy season” every couple of months. It can be difficult to figure out what time of the year you should be really looking for preventative allergy treatment in NYC. When does allergy season start for real? Keep …

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Can Adults Develop Allergies?

Adult man who seems to develop allergies

A lot of people with allergies have known about their symptoms and triggers since childhood. Others might start developing allergies later in life, without having dealt with complications in their youth. This leads to one very important question: Can adults develop allergies even if they didn’t have allergies as a child? Can Adults Develop Allergies? …

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Teaching Kids About Their Allergies

Doctor and mother teaching kids about their allergies

Dangerous childhood allergies can be a parent’s worst nightmare. On one hand, you want your child to grow up carefree in a world where they are free to explore. On the other hand, it is your responsibility to keep them safe from food products and other materials that seem perfectly harmless to everyone else while …

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