
Five Lessons Learned About My Child’s Asthma Attacks

Asthma Attacks: 5 Valuable Lessons It can be a very frightening time when a parent finds out that their child has asthma. Although asthma has no cure, there are a number of treatment options available that can be used to make the condition manageable. The first step, in helping your child adapt to their new …

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Battling Air Pollutants: Ground Zero Patients Suffer from Respiratory Problems

Air Pollutants and Respiratory Problems The September 11th terrorist attacks were incredibly devastating for New York City. In addition to the thousands of people who lost their lives that day, the destruction of the World Trade Center released a vast amount of pollutants into the air. In fact, the varied amount of hazardous materials, released …

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Keeping Mold and Mildew out of Your Home

For those who suffer from an allergy to mold and mildew spores, the key to managing their condition is by employing proactive measures.  While it is impossible to totally avoid exposure to mold spores in the outside world, the afflicted can create allergen free zones by cleaning rigorously and being vigilant about the amount of moisture …

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When to go to the ER if Your Child has an Asthma Attack

Generally, an asthmatic child’s condition can be kept in check using a control medication, but there may be situations where their illness can be inflamed to the point where they’ll require emergency medical treatment. Your Child has an Asthma Attack without Access to an Inhaler Asthma control medications like corticosteroids and immunomodulators do a good job blocking the body’s …

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Can My Child Play Sports If He/she Has Asthma?

Because of the vigorous physical activity involved, you may wonder if it’s safe for your asthmatic child to engage in any sports. While it may seem counterintuitive, it’s not just okay, it’s highly recommended. Joining a sports team will allow your son or daughter to strengthen their heart and lungs through regular, aerobic exercise. With …

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Three Easy Steps to Calm Yourself and Prevent an Asthma Attack

Asthma attacks can be very frightening because they impair the sufferer’s ability to draw breath. Untreated, a severe asthma attack can even be life-threatening as an asthmatic’s bronchial tubes can tighten to the point where they cannot take in any oxygen. While the best way to treat an attack is with rescue medication, like an albuterol inhaler, there are a …

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Asthma and the Food You Feed Your Child

Managing your child’s asthma means more than just making sure their control medication and albuterol inhaler are refilled regularly. It’s also important to create a diet for them that promotes lung health, keeps airways open and reduces the effect their illness has on their quality of life. Apples In addition to being a good source …

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Will My Child Ever Grow Out of Having Asthma?

Although there have been substantial advancements in the treatment of asthma in recent years, the illness is not yet curable. Despite some media reports to the contrary, childhood asthma does not go away over time. However, it is possible that your child has an illness that has symptoms similar to asthma or their asthma could …

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What to Do When You’re without that Inhaler

When a child has an asthma attack and a rescue inhaler isn’t accessible, it can be a scary experience for both parent and child. Because of the significant dangers posed by not treating asthma, every effort should be made to ensure that a child is never in a situation where they don’t have access to albuterol. …

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Traveling with an Asthmatic Child: What to do in Case of an Attack

Because so many different things can trigger an asthma attack, it can be somewhat daunting to travel with an asthmatic child. However, by taking a number of preventative measures, your child can fully enjoy a family vacation or road trip. Pre-Trip Checklist Before traveling, you need to make sure that you have everything necessary to manage your …

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