
Do Allergies Get Worse at Night?

It’s not in your imagination; allergies do get worse at night. This is true whether affected by seasonal allergies or a year-round condition, like dust mite or mold allergies. According to the National Sleep Foundation, allergies make it more difficult to sleep. The congestion, sinus pressure, and other symptoms caused by allergies contribute to poor quality of sleep or not being able to sleep at all. If you are ready for allergy testing in New York, visit Dr. Shukla today.

To improve your sleep, clear your home of whatever you are allergic to. Here are the major culprits.

Connections Between Sleep Deprivation and Allergies

Web MD spoke to William E. Berger, MD, MBA, professor of medicine at the University of California, Irvine on allergies and sleep deprivation. Professor Berger explained there are four things that happen when an allergic reaction occurs. “‘There’s sneezing, itching, runny, and mucus formation. And then nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes.’ Berger explained to WebMD that when these four reactions occur with allergies, they can cause a host of other breathing problems that result in sleep deprivation.”

When You Only Have Symptoms at Night

If you feel fine all day and experience symptoms at night, you are probably allergic to something in your bedroom. Most people are unaware that they have microscopic dust mites living in their bedding. Dust mites are the most common indoor allergen. Tackle these by buying a good quality mattress protector. If the humidity in your room is above 40 percent, you may also have mold. Mold can grow in your carpet, bedding, or upholstery. Finally, if you live with a smoker, you could be experiencing a reaction to the second-hand smoke.

Seasonal Allergies (Pollen)

Pollen tends to peak in the spring and fall, with allergy sufferers taking notice. “Pollen can linger on your hair, skin, and clothing,” says Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network and Allergy & Asthma Associates of Murray Hill in New York City.

When you enter your home, take a shower, wash your hair, and put on clean clothes or PJs. Change your pillowcase regularly to rid it of accumulated pollen from the week. Your pet explores the outdoors in the daytime, too. That’s another reason to keep your dog or cat out of the bedroom.

Pet Allergies

It’s not just pollen from the outdoors that your pet leaves around the house. The unfortunate fact is you may be allergic to your pet’s fur or dander. Many people don’t know that flakes of cat or dog skin, called dander, are common allergens. To avoid aggravating your allergies, keep the pets off the bed and even off of all furniture. Giving your pet a weekly bath with brushing can also help reduce fur and dander in the home. And to deal with what is left, vacuum regularly.

HEPA Filters and Allergy Relief

Your first line of defense should be buying a HEPA air filter for your bedroom. HEPA stands for “high-efficiency particulate air.” A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter; it works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles like pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke.

Secondly, you should buy a HEPA vacuum cleaner. “Basically, HEPA vacuums can trap a large amount of very small particles that other vacuum cleaners would simply recirculate back into the air of your home. HEPA vacuums are recommended for minimizing dust, dander, and other common allergens in homes where people suffer from allergies and respiratory conditions.”

If you are confused as to the origins of your allergy symptoms, make sure to see your allergist in New York for skin and allergy testing.

Reasons You Need More Sleep

Sleep deprivation has significant consequences beyond feeling tired the next day. It has been shown to cause high blood pressure and heart complications. There are also serious psychological consequences, like aggravations of mental health conditions, increased anxiety, and a shorter temper. The truth is, sleep deprivation affects your life in many ways. Your relationships, your productivity, and even your income can suffer.

These are all added incentive to combat indoor allergens and make sure you get a good nights sleep.

Allergy Testing in New York

Dr. Mayank Shukla treats 5,000 adults and children yearly who suffer from allergies, asthma, and sleep disorders. With a personalized, empathic approach to healthcare, Dr. Shukla uses the latest diagnostic technology to help provide the best care possible. He has been diagnosing patients suffering from allergies in the New York City area for more than 15 years. If you suffer from allergies, contact Dr. Shukla today.

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