Spring is now underway, and with April showers comes not only May flowers, but also Spring allergy season. While millions of Americans experience year round symptoms that are caused by indoor allergens such as dust mites, cat and dog danger and mold, pollen season can be devastating to millions more in the Spring outdoors. With that in mind, here are some tips and tricks you can use to survive Spring allergy season and what you can do to figure out how to mitigate your symptoms.
What To Do To Prepare for Spring Allergy Season
The first step in preparing for spring allergy season it to figure out what exactly you are allergic to. This can easily be determined through a simple allergy test. After that, you should keep an eye on the local allergy forecast and make sure you minimize your exposure to what allergens you are allergic to. If it’s dust, that may involve you cleaning up your home or replacing your carpets with hardwood floors, and if its pollen, it may be smart for you to stay indoors so that you are not exposed to it and other outdoor allergens.
Determine If You Need To Take Any Medications
Once you start suffering from symptoms of Spring allergy season, you need to determine which allergy medications are a good fit for your symptoms. You should consult your doctor on this, as he or she is likely to have some recommendations. You should start taking this medications, whether a nasal spray, pill or other form of medication, just as your symptoms begin to affect you. Also make sure to take your medication before peak allergy season begins, as this can help alleviate symptoms like nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, and itchy and watery eyes.
If you take these precautions seriously and keep in mind how your allergies affect your daily health and wellness, you will survive Spring allergy season. A combination of medications and self-awareness will go a long way, and if you have any other questions or concerns, your doctor will do a great job in describing exactly what you need to do to keep the allergy symptoms at bay during the Spring and throughout the rest of the year.