
Can You Outgrow Allergies?

concept of woman wondering can you outgrow allergies

Allergies are common among both children and adults. Whether it’s food, medicine, or even pollution, allergic reactions can come with a number of unwanted symptoms. Hives, swelling, rashes, respiratory difficulties, digestive problems, and cold-like symptoms can impact you when you have an allergic reaction. Due to the unwanted symptoms that come with the issue, you …

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Can Adults Develop Allergies?

Adult man who seems to develop allergies

A lot of people with allergies have known about their symptoms and triggers since childhood. Others might start developing allergies later in life, without having dealt with complications in their youth. This leads to one very important question: Can adults develop allergies even if they didn’t have allergies as a child? Can Adults Develop Allergies? …

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Are Allergies Genetic?

Woman sneezing and wondering if allergies are genetic

Although the genetic component of allergies is not absolute, scientific evidence suggests that it does play a role. Currently, researchers estimate that the odds of a child having allergies when one of their biological parents has allergies are about 50%. Are Allergies Genetic? If both biological parents have allergies, the chance increases to about 75%. …

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Top Allergy Myths

allergy myths are not only wrong, but dangerous.

More than 50 million Americans experience allergies on an annual basis. Allergies can negatively impact your daily life and lead to more serious issues. In fact, allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. However, not everything you read or hear about allergies is true so it’s important to talk …

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Can Allergies Worsen in Autumn?

Woman wearing mask who has allergies in autumn.

When fall comes around the corner and the leaves start to turn colors, you know that things are about to cool down. With sudden weather changes coming on so abruptly, your body may not have time to adjust – and you’ll start to feel symptoms of seasonal allergies. Can allergies worsen in autumn when new …

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Are Allergies Linked to Your Mood?

Woman looking outside in a low mood because of allergies.

Allergy season is the worst, and this year has been a doozy. The congestion, the coughing, the itching eyes, and runny nose are enough to drive anyone crazy. However, the question remains, are your allergies actually linked to mood changes. On the surface it seems like a silly question. Of course prolonged discomfort and irritation …

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Can Allergies Get Worse Over Time?

Family with allergies getting worse over time.

At best, allergies are a minor annoyance. Seasonal sniffles, a minor cough, and hives are fairly common symptoms when it comes to mild or moderate allergies. However, it is easy to get a little too comfortable. As much as we know what to expect with our allergy symptoms, allergic reactions can vary quite a bit. …

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Danger of Not Treating Allergies

Danger of Not Treating Allergies

For those who experience allergies, the symptoms can be debilitating, depending on the severity. Common symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, sinus headaches, coughing, and even post-nasal drip. Oftentimes people easily mistake these symptoms for the common cold. However, if your symptoms last more than ten days, you are likely experiencing …

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Seasonal Allergies and COVID

Seasonal allergies and COVID.

As winter melts into spring, people wonder if it is safe to resume outdoor activities amid COVID-19. While the virus is still spreading, other dangers on the rise can cause similar symptoms, making seasonal allergies a thing to be feared. What is the relationship between seasonal allergies and COVID? Is it still possible for someone …

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