
Allergic Triggers and Treatments

Millions of people suffer from various forms of allergies. Over 50 million people suffer from chronic allergies in America and allergies are the fifth largest chronic disease in the US. And while some allergic reactions may be minor (causing some discomfort), others can be life threatening. Here is some information about common allergic triggers, some …

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How to Manage Childhood Allergies

manage childhood allergies with care and attention

Allergies affect over 50 million Americans each year, a growing percentage of which includes children. While any child can develop allergies, it is far more common for children to develop allergies when there is a family history of allergic reactions. Being aware of your family history will allow you to identify allergies among your children …

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How to Manage Childhood Nut Allergies

Peanut allergies are one of the most fatal allergies that your child can suffer from. If left untreated, peanuts can trigger a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis, which can cause skin rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and shock. Due to this danger, you need to make sure that your child has immediate access to …

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A Guide To Surviving Spring Allergy Season

Spring is now underway, and with April showers comes not only May flowers, but also Spring allergy season. While millions of Americans experience year round symptoms that are caused by indoor allergens such as dust mites, cat and dog danger and mold, pollen season can be devastating to millions more in the Spring outdoors. With …

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