
Guide to Severe Asthma

concept of severe asthma patient

Asthma is a condition that impacts your airways and makes breathing difficult. The condition requires immediate treatment as untreated asthma can be serious, even fatal. Moderate asthma is fairly simple to diagnose and treat. However, severe asthma requires additional testing in order to effectively manage the condition. Below you will find a helpful guide to …

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8 Mistakes People With Asthma Make

concept of people with asthma and dcotors

Asthma is a common disease that impacts your lungs. It can cause issues in your daily life if left unmanaged. Working with an asthma doctor can help ensure you have an effective treatment plan. Below you will find 8 mistakes people with asthma make and how you can avoid them. 8 Mistakes People With Asthma …

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Why Lung Health Matters

concept image of why lung health matters

Lung health is important as your body needs oxygen to stay alive. Without the help of your lungs, life would not be possible as they are the vessel through which your body receives oxygen. Lung issues can impact your health and lead to severe issues. Below you will find why lung health matters and what …

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Is Asthma Actually Dangerous?

concept image of if asthma is actually dangerous

Asthma impacts roughly 25 million Americans according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The disease impacts your airways and can make breathing difficult. While there is no cure for asthma, there are effective treatment plans that can manage your symptoms. You may wonder, is asthma actually dangerous? Is Asthma Actually Dangerous? …

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Common Misconceptions about Asthma

Concept image of people learning about misconceptions about asthma

On average, 1 out of 13 people have asthma in the United States. It’s a relatively common condition, and its severity can range widely from person to person. Both factors and common media portrayals of asthma have led to a number of misconceptions. Common Misconceptions about Asthma When it comes to treating your child’s asthma, …

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Unusual Asthma Symptoms

Man experiencing some unusual asthma symptoms

Asthma impacts millions of Americans and is the most common chronic condition among children. It makes breathing very difficult as it is an inflammatory disease that impacts your lung airways. The most common symptom of the disease is wheezing. However, there are a number of unusual asthma symptoms that indicate more serious issues. Asthma should …

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Common Environmental Asthma Triggers in New York

woman suffering from environmental asthma triggers in New York

Asthma can be a challenging condition, especially if you live in a densely populated area like New York City. In a major city you’re more likely to encounter asthma triggers including pets, pests, and air pollution, which can present clear problems for asthmatic city dwellers. Unfortunately, the general humidity and winter cold in New York …

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Worst Jobs for People with Asthma

Working in a dusty warehouse is one of the worst jobs for people with asthma

Asthma involves chronic inflammation of the lung airways that causes chest tightness, coughing, shortness of breath, and wheezing. With an effective asthma treatment plan the symptoms can be managed. However, certain triggers can exacerbate asthma issues. This is why it’s important to live and work in environments that are healthy and asthma-trigger free. Below you …

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