
When is Wheezing Serious?

There are many different types of coughs that happen for several reasons. Whether as a reaction to a seasonal allergy, or a case of a spreading cold virus, coughing is our body’s way of getting rid of any irritants or particles that have made their way into our respiratory system. While coughing can be a sign that your illness is recovering, it can also be a sign that something more serious is taking place. Along with coughing comes other similar activities, such as wheezing.

Just like coughing, wheezing is to be expected in many illnesses and conditions. But the severity of your wheezing may be a sign that you need to make a trip to see your doctor.

Below, our team at the office of Dr. Mayank Shukla will discuss when wheezing becomes a serious issue, and what other warning signs to look out for.


Wheezing alone might just be a sign of a mild upper respiratory infection or a cold. But if your wheezing is constant or recurring, there may be more signs of a problem. Wheezing is particularly serious when accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Breathing too fast
  • Breathing too slow
  • Difficulty breathing in general
  • Skin turning bluish

There are even more exacerbated symptoms of wheezing that may be cause for immediate emergency care. For example, if you start wheezing after being stung by a bee, eating a food you’re allergic to, or after choking on something, you need to go to an urgent care center right away.

There are other conditions that can cause wheezing as well, such as asthma. Certain medical interventions like an inhaler or prescribed medications can help relieve or eliminate the wheezing.

Getting Rid of Wheezing

If you have mild symptoms, you may be able to alleviate some of them on your own. Since wheezing is a sure sign that your respiratory system is tightening or getting irritated somehow, you need a way to loosen your airways.

Medical News Today highlighted a list of beneficial at-home remedies that you might find useful to relieving you of your wheezing symptoms. If your wheezing is not too serious, you might want to start with one of these soothing techniques:

  • Practice calming breathing exercises that you would be done during yoga or stretching
  • Invest in a humidifier or inhale steam to loosen the airways and encourage good breathing
  • Take an over-the-counter medicine that can help with breathing issues

If your constant wheezing is not due to a seasonal allergy or cold, you may be dealing with asthma, and treatment is needed right away.

Treating Asthma

According to the New York State Department of Health, 8% of New York adults and 11% of New York children are diagnosed with asthma. But there are many whose asthma symptoms have gone untreated, which is something that can endanger your life.

There are many risks of untreated asthma that include the inability to breathe properly, which leads to missed days at work and even continued hospitalizations. To save your health and your wallet, it’s important to get your asthma under control as quickly as possible.

Dr. Mayank Shukla is a certified pulmonologist and asthma doctor who can help you find the best solution to treat your wheezing. If you have coughing that wakes you up at night, constant shortness of breath or you use albuterol more than twice a month, you need to schedule an appointment with us right away.

Get Your Wheezing Under Control!

Everybody wheezes during a cold or temporary infection. But the longer the symptoms stick around, the more dangerous it will be for your health. Don’t live life without getting your shortness of breath checked out. It could save your life and save you hundreds of dollars in medical fees in the process.

For more information, contact us online or give us a call at (917) 765-7469 to schedule a consultation right away.

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